What Makes A Successful Investor?
Peter Norris helps you examine your motivation for investing in property.
29 February 2016
Whether you are setting out to buy just one property, or you want to own a bigger portfolio than any other property investor in the country, there is one thing that above all else you must know in order to be successful and that is your ‘why’?
Your ‘why’ is the reason you get into investing, but more than that, it’s the reason you get out of bed on a cold winter weekend to go through a multitude of open homes, or attend auctions while the majority are at the beach or sleeping in. It’s what inspires you to spend your lunch breaks searching the Internet for the latest listings while others are reading Facebook and catching up on gossip.
Your ‘why’, otherwise known as your purpose, will be different for everyone and could be as simple as a dream for a stable passive income to enable you to stop working and spend more time doing the things you enjoy, or it could be as big as owning your own island and private jet. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is, but without a purpose, property investing will forever be a half-pie good idea that you never got around to, or never immersed yourself in. And this is the difference between winning and losing.
I strongly believe it is essential you identify the deeper, more meaningful reason for why you chose this game.
I strongly believe it is essential you identify the deeper, more meaningful reason for why you chose this game. I can almost guarantee you it was not about money itself and more about the difference you can make when you get money or the freedom of choice which you will then be able to make for you, your family and whatever you define as your community.
For me, the difference between those who are good and those who are great is the former have a purpose to what they are doing – one that is so much more than money. What gets them out of bed is the difference they can create in their communities. A community can range from anywhere between the people within your four walls to the people in your suburb, or your country, or the world. This will vary from person to person, but what’s important is following the vision you want to achieve.
That is not to say money is a bad thing, because it is most certainly not. But it should not be the driver.
Knowing your ‘why’ gives you the ability to invest in a way that is aligned to you. If you’re looking for a more secure future or retirement, then you can align your strategy towards capital gains. If your ‘why’ is more centred around passive income, to enable you to leave your 9-5 job, then you can look towards higher yielding properties and therefore different suburbs or cities. These are vital questions that can only be answered once you understand your purpose.
What is it that the money would do for your world and the people in it? Get completely clear on that, write it down and then make it happen. Robin Sharma said “If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small”. So don’t sell yourself short.